Principles of the pedagogical system of master of the realistic painting and graphic arts. artist-painter of battlepieces - N.S. Samokisha


  • O.O. Scherbakova Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University



artistic-pedagogical activity, pedagogical principles, pedagogical system, innovative methods, battle genre, painting, graphic arts, animalistic game


"Principles of the pedagogical system of master of the realistic painting and graphic arts. artist-painter of battlepieces - N.S. Samokisha" is examined question about the features of artistic-pedagogical activity of the known Ukrainian artist of large and scalene talent Mickolaja Se- menovicha Samokisha, individually his innovative elucidative measures and methods on teaching of artists- painters of battlepieces.


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How to Cite

Scherbakova, O. (2009). Principles of the pedagogical system of master of the realistic painting and graphic arts. artist-painter of battlepieces - N.S. Samokisha. Educational Dimension, 26, 405–411.


