Formation of the professionally oriented foreign educational environment in the way of working at a literary text as realization of education principle of foreign language learning in the conditions of university


  • Людмила Петько



students, university, professionally oriented foreign language learning environment, education, a literary text


Pet’ko L. V. Formation of the professionally oriented foreign educational environment in the way of working at a literary text as realization of education principle of foreign language learning in the conditions of university.

The author describes education of humanistic values for the students of universities in the conditions of the professionally oriented foreign language educational environment on the example of work at literary text that provides education of Christian values for students. A complex of exercises for work at original literary text by profession aimed at reading skills formation (pre-text exercises), and the formation of reading skills (post-text exercises) for students of universities are developed.


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How to Cite

Петько, Л. (2015). Formation of the professionally oriented foreign educational environment in the way of working at a literary text as realization of education principle of foreign language learning in the conditions of university. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 44, 250–256.



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