The new opportunities of information technology in the system of higher professional education
information technology, informative competence, functions of the professional competence specialist, components of the professional competence, conditions of the professional competence of students of the Automobile and Highway University that are based on e-learningAbstract
Gerasymchuk T. V. The new opportunities of information technology in the system of higher professional education.
This article provides theoretical analysis of learning opportunities of information technology in the system of higher education, allowing students of auto-road profile to form professional competence; the conditions of forming are proven and the structural components and functions of the professional competence of students of the Automobile and Highway University are identified and based on the e-learning .
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How to Cite
Герасимчук, Т. (2014). The new opportunities of information technology in the system of higher professional education. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 42, 13–16.
Theoretical and practical problems of higher school pedagogy
Copyright (c) 2014 Тетяна Герасимчук
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