The use of mobile information and communication technologies in the process of teaching higher mathematics


  • О. П. Лінник Institute of Air Transport of NAU
  • Н. В. Рашевська Kryvyi Rih Technical University



mobile information and communication technologies and tools of mathematics and computer system of Dynamic Geometry


In the article the model of blended learning higher mathematics in universities and technical possibilities of building this model by means of mobile information and communication technologies. An example of a mobile system to support learning and mobile system computer mathematics.


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Author Biography

О. П. Лінник, Institute of Air Transport of NAU

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD)


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How to Cite

Лінник, О. П., & Рашевська, Н. В. (2021). The use of mobile information and communication technologies in the process of teaching higher mathematics. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 32, 42–47.



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