Mustcologycal rates in specialization the experts on musical culture in work Odessa Stale A.V. Hezdanova academy of music


  • O.M. Markova Odesa State Music Academy named after A.V. Nezhdanova



musical science, musicology, culturology, music applied, music is art self-sufficient


Clause is devoted to a question of internal transformation of a musical science and educational rates in canditions of modernity, when in the new attitudes "culturologycal changes" of academic music and its theory last approaches with by westemeuropical tradition "musicology", that is out of analytical, fragmentary - descriptive word about music, reflecting complex reorientation of values modem applied and is art of self-sufficient art.


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How to Cite

Markova, O. (2006). Mustcologycal rates in specialization the experts on musical culture in work Odessa Stale A.V. Hezdanova academy of music. Educational Dimension, 16(1), 285–294.