Principle of leadership and ethics of «open society»
open society, democracy, principle of leadership, legitimacy, democratic valuesAbstract
K. Popper’s «Open Society» is not only an abstract construct, but also a system of values and ideals of modern European civilization, such as freedom, individualism, humanism, democracy. However, the foundation of this
system, the link between its elements, the relationship with modern politics, the prospects for implementation and many other important topics remain problematic to this day. The author analyzes one of the fundamental principles of «open society» – the principle of leadership and tries to demonstrate, that the answer to the question: «Who shall rule the state?» is important in at least two aspects. Firstly, this question can be reformulated in the spirit of fallibilism as the question: «Who shall not rule the state?». Secondly, the search for an answer to this question can be considered as a strategic problem of an «open society» related to the protection of its values.
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