Using the principle of command in the conditions of competence-based management training of future specialists
training, competence based management, principles of pedagogical management, complementary teamAbstract
Drach I. I. Using the principle of command in the conditions of competence-based management training of future specialists.
The article described the specific features that define the independent status of the competence-based management training of future professionals in the management of educational activities. The use of principles of team in the implementation of a new management paradigm is justified. The essence of the theory I. Adizes about the reasons for
the successful and unsuccessful management, which describes the role of management to enable an organization to be effective and efficient in the short and long term is disclosed. It
is concluded that in order to achieve effective management must interact in a group of
people with complementary management styles, that is a complementary team. The
advantages of using a matrix organizational structure, as well as a set of methods when
creating a team in a competence-based management are described.
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