The Cloud Technologies and Augmented Reality: the Prospects of Use
augmented reality, cloud computing, cloud technologies, cloud-based environment, component of the cloud-oriented environmentAbstract
Popel M.V. and Shyshkina M.P. The Cloud Technologies and Augmented Reality: the Prospects of Use.
The article discusses the prospects of the augmented reality using as a component of a cloud-based environment. The research goals are the next: to explore the possibility of the augmented reality using with the involvement of the cloud-based environment components. The research objectives are the next: to consider the notion of augmented reality; to analyze the experience the augmented reality using within the cloud environment / system; to outline the prospects of the augmented reality using in educational institutions; to consider the technical conditions of the augmented reality use. The object of research is: the educational process in educational institutions of Ukraine of different levels of accreditation. The subject of research is: the educational process in a cloud-based environment in educational institutions of Ukraine.
The research methods used are the next: analysis of scientific publications, observations. The results of the research are the next: on the basis of the analysis of scientific works, it has been established that the experience of the augmented reality using in the systems based on cloud technologies already exists. However, the success of such a combination has not yet been proven. Currently, laboratory tests are known, while the experiment was not carried out under natural conditions in control and experimental groups. It is revealed that the attraction of the augmented reality for the educators requires the development of new methodologies, didactic materials, updating and updating of the curriculum. The main conclusions and recommendations: the main principles of augmented reality use in the learning process are: designing
of the environment that is flexible enough, attention should be paid to the teaching and didactic issues; adjusting the educational content for mastering the material provided by the curriculum; the research methods that can be used in training along with the elements of augmented reality are to be elaborated; development of adaptive materials; training of teachers, which will include augmented reality in educational practice.
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