What is a model and what is the use of it for a philosopher (a case study on the ideal society models)





model, modeling, interpretation, social philosophy, ideal society


Modeling is presented not only as a scientific, but also as a general philosophical method. From the author’s point of view the history of philosophy is a history of creating models which perform the functions of visibility, simplification, ordering, explanation. In this way models enable understanding, provide some  interpretation, make possible predictions and show certain ways of action. The model can serve as an interpretation and confirmation of a certain philosophical concept. The author shows that the features of philosophical models are minimality of the selected criteria, simplicity and universality.


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Author Biography

Nadiia Kozachenko, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University

Department of Philosophy
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University
Gagarina ave., 54
Kryvyi Rih


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How to Cite

Kozachenko, N. (2018). What is a model and what is the use of it for a philosopher (a case study on the ideal society models). Actual Problems of Mind, (19), 114–132. https://doi.org/10.31812/apd.v0i19.2081

