Information and technology case as an indicator of information competence level of the translator


  • Світлана Амеліна National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • Ростислав Тарасенко National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • Альберт Азарян Kryvyi Rih National University



innovative approach, information technology, information and technology case, information competence of future translators


The article deals with the innovative approach to the organization of the information training of translators. The proposed approach will ensure not only the formation of information competence of future translators, but also the formation of an individual information and technology case of the translator. The components of an individual information and technology case are determined. They may include electronic terminology databases, translation memory databases for use in automated translation systems, databases of electronic links to terminological resources network, databases of electronic links to corpora of parallel texts. The using information and technology case of the translator as one of the diagnostic tools for evaluating the information competence level of the translator is proposed. It was found that the creating information and technology case is effective in developing information literacy and improving information technology skills.


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How to Cite

Амеліна, С., Тарасенко, Р., & Азарян, А. (2019). Information and technology case as an indicator of information competence level of the translator. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 52, 118–134.




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