The modeling of polyart technologies in vocational training the future teacher of music


  • T.Y. Reyzenkind Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University



evident modeling, hypothetical modeling, symbolical modeling in a context of a substantiation polyart technologies, designing of art-pedagogical situations, the teacher of music


In article modeling as a method of scientific-an knowledge is analyzed. It is proved, that the methodology of development and a substantiation of pvlyan technologies и a principle of synthesis philosophical, sc ientific-general concepts and their projection in professional, polyart preparation of the future teacher of music; the contents and structure of the semantic model caused by features recognition on the basis of interaction arts is specified; the structure of an art-pedagogical situation in a context of application polyart technologies is concretized, parameters of the polyart-colloquial approach in conditions of modelling art allocated by the example texts of culture, motion picture arts.


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How to Cite

Reyzenkind, T. (2009). The modeling of polyart technologies in vocational training the future teacher of music. Pedagogy of Higher and Secondary Education, 26, 300–309.




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