What kind of criticism is needed for critical thinking?





critical thinking, critique, criticism, skepticism, transcendentalism, Popper, Latour, Kant


Understanding of critical thinking depends on the notion of criticism that underlies it. Criticism presents judgment, interpretation, evaluation, limitation in their positive and negative manifestations. In general, criticism comes at two levels: as a criticism of foundations and as a critique of method. When criticism concerns both the foundation and the method, there is an outburst of skepticism that can sometimes take excessively extreme forms. Generally, criticism is associated with rather positive phenomena: competitiveness, clarification, protection, improvement, disclosure. The purpose of such criticism is to strive for the truth, to minimize or counteract the shortcomings, to develop a better strategy, optimize, simplify, systematize. Although criticiuniversality of criticism, and therefore there is a need for so-called «criticism of criticism», that assumes criticism that aimed at reviewing one’s own possibility. There are two levels of consideration for criticism: the empirical and the transcendental. Thus, there are differences in the use of the very word «criticism» to denote any evaluation activity or dispute and its use to indicate the process of diagnosing bases and criteria. In our opinion, criticism is possible only with the involvement of the transcendental level, which considers the due, a-priori, unconditional boundaries of the mind.
sm has considerable constructive potential, there is a danger of extending the


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How to Cite

Kozachenko, N. (2019). What kind of criticism is needed for critical thinking?. Actual Problems of Mind, (20), 97–121. https://doi.org/10.31812/apd.v0i20.3682


